東北トリップ#3: 岩手県陸前高田市を再訪
陸前高田市の街中は瓦礫の山ですが、道路をちょっと行った所に「仮設ローロン」のお店があったので、とても感心しました! ローソンは、人が食料品などを手に入れにくい被災地で、コンビニの店舗を置くなどのプログラムをいくつか行っています。感動しました!
We had a "happening" with our camera, when we'd been taking pictures with it all morning and then realized that there was no SD card in it. 大変!
So I have no pictures to show you our friends from Hikaminosono that we visited again (the facility for handicapped, and the evacuees in the gymnasium). We were received SO warmly by everyone who remembered us and said they were happy that we had come back. I was really happy to see them again.
After we sang for the people evacuating in this kouminkan, they ran off and put together some of their lunch for us! Here we are, very happily partaking (it was quite yummy and we couldn't even finish it all!)
この公民館で避難している人達のために歌を歌った後、彼らは急いで、自分たちのランチの中から、昼食を分けてくださいました! とても喜んで、いただきました。(とてもおいしく、食べきれないくらいありました!)
The women talked to us about their experiences the day the tsunami came, while we ate our lunch. One woman who had lost her husband, was saved from losing her own life after she floated on wreckage for an entire day in the freezing temperature. They told us of other accounts that they had heard, speaking of some buildings that we had seen as we passed through, where people were told they'd be safe from the tsunami, but were sucked out into the sea as the entire wall was ripped away. Everyone in this room had lost loved-ones.
ランチを食べている時、女性の方達が津波の起こった日の事を話してくれました。一人の女性は、旦那さんをなく、彼女自身も、凍えるような気温の中、一日中漂流物の上にいた後に救われたのです。他にも、皆さんがそれぞれ耳にした話を聞かせてもらいました。安全だと言われて人が建物の中に避難したけれど、津波が来て壁全体がはぎとられ、流されて行った人達がいたということも聞きました。(そのような建物を私たちもこのトリップで目にしました。) この部屋にいる人達は全員、誰か愛する人を亡くされたのです。
Some of the volunteers sent from the Ofunato volunteer center (the Rikuzentakata volunteer center has just been built a few days ago!) who told us they liked our singing.
This is us back at the Sun Village dome. Our friends here remembered us and this time came to the front row to sing along with us!! Many of them were out (the children go to school, etc.) and so our show was very small and personal, and we sang some songs that they requested, including "Kitaguni no Haru," "Yume no Naka e," and "Ai san san."
サンビレッジのドームにまた行きました。ここにいるお友達は、私たちのことを覚えていて、前に座って一緒に歌ってくれました!! 多くの人が外出中でした。(子供達は学校に行っていました。) だから私たちの歌を聞いてくれた人は少数でしたが、親密な感じでした。「北国の春」「夢の中へ」「愛燦燦」のような歌をリクエストされ歌いました。
The above photos are from the Rikuzentakata Koujyuuenn Old Folk's home, which was large enough to house their usual residents as well as many evacuees.
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